• Villa Welcome - Slider image
  • Vrboska - Slider image
  • Jelsa - Villa Welcome
  • Vrboska - Villa Welcome

Dear visitors, welcome to our website where we will present our tourist offer and other information on the Island of Hvar with beautiful pleace Vrboska. If you should decde to stay us a visit, you will always be welcome. We are sure that once you cross our threshold, it will be the beginning of a long and comfortable friendship. We would be glad to be at your service in assisting you with our advice in order that you can fully enjoy your holiday. We would gladly give you advice as to where to look for entertainment, good food, in Vrboska and its surroundings, such as good and fresh fish, which beaches nearby are the best for children, as well as where to go for excursions and what to see in places nearby.

Contact information

  • Address

    Villa Welcome Vrboska 237, 21 463 Vrboska Island of Hvar, Croatia

  • Phone, GSM, E-mail

    +385 21 774 110 +385 91 534 0538 villawelcome@gmail.com